Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Test cases for social network widgets (facebook, twitter and google plus).

Like button:
  • Ensure that on clicking the like button, user is re-directed to the corresponding facebook login page (NB: Latest revision includes liking without login).
  • Ensure that on login, user is able to like the page.
  • Ensure that the number of likes gets incremented.
  • Ensure that after liking, that activity is getting displayed on user's profile page.
  • Ensure that the user is able to un-like the page.
  • Ensure that on un-liking, the number of likes gets decremented.
Comment block:
  • Ensure that the user is able to comment on the comment block.
  • Ensure that the user can like as well as reply for the comments entered by other users.
  • Ensure that the recent comments are getting displayed on the top of the block.
  • Ensure that the user is able to delete/edit the entered comments.
  • Ensure that on clicking the twitter button, user gets directed to the twitter's sign-in page.
  • Ensure that on signing in, user is able to share that page (tweet).
  • Ensure that on tweeting, the count on the twitter button gets incremented.
Google Plus:
  • Ensure that on clicking the google plus button, user is re-directed to the corresponding gmail sign in page.
  • Ensure that on signing in, the user is able to share the page.
  • Ensure that on sharing, the count on the google plus button increases.